Thursday, June 10, 2010

Smokeview Maintenance Release 5.5.5

A new maintenance release of Smokeview , version 5.5.5, has been posted at . Besides bug fixes and a few other enhancements, I added a new way to manipulate the scene, inspired by a question on the users forum. Basically you can now make use of all 3 mouse buttons (on a 3 button mouse) to manipulate the scene.

LEFT – same as before – rotate the scene

MIDDLE – move in, out, left, right

RIGHT – move up and down.

The right mouse button was used for menuing. So to use the RIGHT mouse button for scene manipulation you first have to turn menuing off. Do this by press the M key . To turn menus back on press the M key again.

This feature is a work around for a problem that occurs with the Linux version of Smokeview. It did not support vertical scene movement because Smokeview could not detect the use of the ALT key.